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Exceptional bars and restaurants not only offer delectable cuisine but also captivate guests with their alluring design and genuine atmosphere. Blueprint Construction Group has earned the trust of top independent bars and restaurants in Canada, as well as globally renowned franchises such as, Popeye’s, to develop spaces that are both visually stunning and functionally efficient. With over a decade of experience crafting restaurants we are proud to dine at, you can rely on Blueprint Construction Group to envision, design, and build your next gastronomic venue.

What constitutes an outstanding restaurant design?

A remarkable restaurant narrates a story, not only through its dishes but also through its physical surroundings. Your restaurant’s architectural and interior design should mirror the essence, origin, and atmosphere of your menu, ensuring a cohesive experience at every turn. From the bar and tabletops to the lighting, flooring, countertops, and numerous other details, Blueprint Construction Group will assist you in refining the subtle design elements that seamlessly unite the space and engage your clientele through all five senses.

Creating the ideal restaurant ambiance.

Aside from a few exceptions, a noisy restaurant can quickly spoil a diner’s experience. Several key design choices will directly influence the sound levels in a busy dining area. Although high ceilings and hard surfaces may be visually appealing, they can result in poor acoustics, causing guests to talk louder to be heard. Blueprint Construction Group will guide you through the selection of sound-friendly materials and design approaches that address this problem without sacrificing the overall aesthetic of your restaurant construction project.

Building for quick-service restaurants and franchises.

Over the past decade, Blueprint Construction Group has been entrusted by international restaurant brands like McDonald’s, Chick-Fil-A, A&W, Arby’s, Jollibee, Five Guys, and Blaze Pizza (to name a few) to design and build new locations that align with their brand values. Our integrated design team collaborates closely with your corporate and marketing departments to comprehend your brand guidelines and create an environment that feels like a natural extension of your company’s overarching narrative.